
~I love Mitchell’s ability to inspire thoughts and ideas.~   

Experiential Large Group Training

My Town                    My Town is an experiential learning simulation which explores one day in the life of a community. Participants are given roles with simple tasks and asked to work together to create a healthier community. Discovery and lessons learned come forth during the processing session immediately following the simulation. This simulation is designed to challenge you to create positive, sustained community change.

op (17)

Rocket                         Space debris has hit and knocked out the satellite communication system that is used to communicate with the International Space Station. Your job is to work together within your own agency teams and with the other three agencies to build a rocket to send a joint message to the astronauts aboard the Space Station.

Community Emergency Response Training

CERT Camp for Teens

Individual preparedness, planning, survival skills, and mutual aid within neighborhoods and work sites during this initial period are essential measures in coping with the aftermath of a disaster. What you do today will have a critical impact on the quality of your survival and your ability to help others safely and effectively. By learning about the likely hazards in your community and your community’s plans and protocols, understanding hazard-specific protective actions and response skills, assembling important emergency supplies, and mitigating potential hazards in your home, you will be more resilient to any disruptive event. You will be an important asset to your family, neighbors, and other members of your community.

RGVYPC 2018 Fire Suppression Exercise

2018 Camp

2017 Camp



CERT- Community Emergency Response Team 20 hrs for the Certification- IS 317

The CERT Program is designed to train individuals to be assets to help communities prepare for effective disaster response.
CERT Basic Training is designed to prepare you to help yourself and to help others in the event of a catastrophic disaster. Because emergency services personnel will not be able to help everyone immediately, you can make a difference by using your CERT training to save lives and protect property.
Training in disaster response should not be a one-time event. Awareness, commitment, and skills must be reinforced through follow up training and repeated practice to maintain the edge necessary for effective response in the face of a disaster. To maintain their skill level and continually improve performance, CERT members should participate in continuing supplemental training when offered in your area. Working through practice disaster scenarios with other teams will provide opportunities not only for extended practice but also for valuable networking with teams in the local area.

 You(th) Lead(ership) Training

~The best part of the training was the way Mitchell presented the information on our level.~

Youth will learn how to make informed decisions, how to set goals and how to plan for action.

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Mitchell provides customized team building events to help develop Communication and Leadership Skills.

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What are your needs?  Mitchell can develop, then facilitate a day of experiential learning activities to meet your  groups needs.

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  ~I enjoyed how Mitchell was able to incorporate experiential learning in with the training objectives.~