
“Originality- Not remembering where it came from”. Yes, I have a lot of “original” material on this page and I do not take credit for most of it.  I do not recall when I began describing concepts using simple analogies but they soon became called “Mitchisms”- a term coined by participants from the many training’s I have done. I hope you enjoy the tales, stories, analogies and “Mitchisms”.

On Top of Spaghetti– When I was a teenager I took a pot of spaghetti out to the chicken pen. After I dumped it out one chicken immediately climbed on top of the pile of spaghetti. Then the other chickens came and grabbed some of the noodles. I watched the chicken leave the entire pile of spaghetti to chase a chicken with one noodle in its beak. I began to wonder, “what do we leave behind to chase after stuff” ? We are so blessed, standing on top of more than we need. Then we leave it all to chase after something that someones else has….. What are you chasing today? What have you left behind in the pursuit?

Earth Suits- I heard that we are Spiritual Creatures having an Earthly experience. I began to wonder what our “Earth Suits” looked like. I mean, to go into space you need a space suit. Isn’t the same true to travel upon the Earth? Upon the realization that our body is not who we are but just a vehicle to travel around in while on this planet I asked myself, “How can I truly see others when I look at them”? Not just their body but who they actually are. The body is just like a car, we all received a shiny new one when we were born. As we age our car- body- vehicle- earth suit begins to need some repairs. It rust, breaks down, needs maintenance, fuel… perhaps a new engine or transmission. Our car- body- vehicle- earth suit will eventually be taken to the scrap heap or junk pile and be recycled. Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust.  Solomon declared, “All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return.” But our Spirit/ Soul/ Essence lives on.

I don’t know what kind of car- body- vehicle- earth suit you received. It may be fancy and you keep it decorated and working well. Perhaps you received a body that has some missing parts, is too big, small, tall, fat, skinny, missing hair or has too much. Remember that we are all “rusting” on the outside and need to strengthen our Spirit, which lives on forever…. I hope that one day when I see you, I can look past your earth suit and acknowledge who you truly are…

Me Too   a word play…

Looking Back- It’s important for me to look back from time to time but I don’t want to go back. I, like you, have survived a lot of crazy things and some things hurt and some made me stronger. Like my tattoo and missing finger, I am reminded that EVERY decision I made lives with me forever. I am where I am today because of the choices I made yesterday. I will be where I will be tomorrow based upon the choices I am making today!

Looking back on life is kind of like driving a car looking into the rearview mirror. There is a huge windshield that lets you look forward to see where you are going and a very small mirror to let you see what’s behind you. It’s good to see what’s in your past but you don’t want to drive your life looking backwards into the small mirror. You want to look forward, through the big windshield and see where you’re going. (the windshield also protects you from the bugs)

“It doesn’t matter where you have been, it’s where you are at and which direction you are facing that counts.” You can be real close to some bad things, but facing toward good choices and the next step you take will bring you closer to where you want to be. Show me the direction you are facing and I will tell you where you are headed.

Casualties of the War on Drugs-
They come to us, just a few casualties of this war on drugs.
Scared and lonely.  Trusting no one. Battle scars mark their soul.
Torn flesh, healed through time. Some have fresh wounds, open and exposed, dripping with sadness, sorrow and shame.
So many problems- some temporarily bandaged, others hidden away, repressed. They are all confused and without much hope.
No one in their lives to guide them, parental care is far removed, because their own parents are also lost.
Lost and searching for peace which seems so far away. They crave affection, compassion and love;
yet receive neglect, abuse and exploitation.
Their young tender bodies are used for others sexual pleasure;  their minds are twisted and turned around and around.
As their pain increases, thought of suicide grows;  they just want to escape the pain for a moment.
A brief moment, peace is what they desire.
Create more chaos, avoid accepting the truth.  Avoid life’s painful reality at all cost. Continue to live in a make believe world.
Their life is so uncertain. One consistency though, one certainty ever waking moment:  Pain, within and with out.
Pain, continually present, pain, some of it unrecognized, but more that is known.  Avoid, escape, regulate, medicate, isolate, and trust no one,  who would understand what they fear anyway?
No hope, no solutions, no problem solving skills.
Just an existence, from day to day and night through scary night.
Seeing all the sights that cannot be mentioned, feeling the pain that is self inflicted, trying to avoid it and yet receiving even more.
The agony that their world creates, where is their escape? Getting drunk or high seems to work well;
it hides them from their pain, and their uncertainty.  And the cost for instant relief ?, it does not matter.
They will gladly pay the price, as if there were no tomorrow. What ever it cost, to live without feeling.
Numb feels better than pain, because numb is not feeling at all. Numb, no pain, no joy, trust no one, don’t get too close, don’t talk about life, don’t care about anything, because that might cause one to feel again. Pain. What is this their life?  Stay buried, numb, and lifeless.
Who even cares?
I do…
Mitchell Moore, a PDAP Younger Group Counselor- Midland, Texas 1995

Lost Keys-  God is like lost keys. Have you ever lost your keys? You didn’t know you had lost them until you need them? “Where are they at” I thought in a panic ? I need my keys.      The keys were not lost. They were right where I left them. I just could not remember where I left them.  “Where did I last see my keys”? God is kinda like lost keys. He hasn’t moved. He hasn’t changed. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. I just could not remember where I left Him. I have “misplaced” God. Perhaps I should backtrack and look for the last place we were together. “Oh, there they are”, I said. Now I remember putting them there.  Now, where did I last see God?

A one sided door knob-  Talking with a friend today about “surrendering”. He said that opening the door to invite God into his life was challenging. He was told that God is standing outside the door, waiting to be invited in. The door only had a knob on the persons side. God would not force his way into someones life. He stood patiently waiting for us to open the door. It is our choice. We were on the side that had the knob. Then he told me that he “opened the door” just a little bit but kept the safety chain on, extended his hand through the small opening to introduce himself to God. Still protected by the door and safety chain. “Why don’t we trust God”, I wondered? Eventually he took a risk, took the safety chain off and opened the door all the way- surrender. That’s when God was able to fully embrace him. I wondered how much of an embrace I have allowed God to have with me. Is my relationship just an extended hand out the crack in the door or have I fully embraced, and been embraced by God because I opened the door? Consider taking off your safety chain because a hug is better than just a handshake.

Breathe your own air- A person I was talking to said, “Don’t give me any of that God crap. I don’t want to depend on God for anything.” I replied, “If you don’t want to depend on God then breathe your own air.” I don’t know what he heard, but I realized that we depend on God to sustain us for another moment with each breath we take.   What else shall we depend on God for?


“Original material alert” The following are not mine and IDK who originally created them…

If you replace the “w” with “t” in when, where and what- you will get the answer for each question.
Then, there & that.

A father said to his daughter: You graduated with honors, here is a car that I acquired many years ago … it is several years old. But before I give it to you, take it to the used car lot downtown and tell them I want to sell it and see how much they offer you.
The daughter went to the used car lot, returned to her father and said, “They offered me $1,000 because it looks very worn out.” The father said, “Take him to the pawn shop.” The daughter went to the pawn shop, returned to her father and said, “The pawn shop offered $100 because it was a very old car.” The father asked his daughter to go to a car club and show them the car.
The daughter took the car to the club, returned and told her father, “Some people in the club offered $100,000 for it since it is a Nissan Skyline R34, an iconic car and sought after by many.” The father said to his daughter, “I wanted you to know that the right place values ​​you the right way.” If you are not valued, do not be angry, it means you are in the wrong place. Those who know your value are those who appreciate you. Never stay in a place where no one sees your value.